Thursday, November 30, 2006

It will be her's one day....

FINALLY went to see the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” yesterday. Whilst not the most scintillating movie to watch (Power Point demonstrations aplenty) the knowledge shared was justly intense. The whole time Al (Gore) was talking, I kept thinking, ‘what kind of world am I allowing, am I creating for Sweetpea’s children?’ Sobering thought indeed. The lifestyle that I think I'm entitled to is going to destroy the planet that my great grand-children are going to have to survive in and try to clean up. I don't think that I can be so selfish in my choices any more. And even if I'm not making a lot of bad choices, I cant be complacent and not try to make my voice heard by politicians. When I think about just one example – breakfast cereal – I have to wonder about the society I'm living in. Is it necessary for the cereal to be packed in a plastic bag and then put into a cardboard box? Wouldn’t the cereal keep just as well in the plastic bag without the box? Oooooh… but the cardboard box makes it easy to stock on the supermarket shelf, and the box can have all kinds of fun logos and pretty pictures and groovy fonts to make it more appealing, thus pushing up the financial gains of big multi corporations. Its just too bad that the planet is groaning under the pressures that we in the Western world are putting on it to make our lives easy to manage. Even though I was dead tired and it would have been the easy option, I chose to walk the 2 ½ km home from the train station rather than get my mum to use a toxic emission petrol car. Small steps make a big difference. The trick is to keep taking the small steps and not loose the faith that its making a difference.

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