Saturday, March 08, 2008

Some Numbers

Zero- the enthusiasm I feel towards my university work this semester

One – the number of red tomatoes that have ripened on my plants that I have grown from seedlings this season (thank goodness there is a spate of warm weather this week or I will be forced to look up a recipe for fried green tomatoes)

Two- times I've baked chocolate cup cakes with milk chocolate ganache icing (once for the kids at kinder to celebrate Sweetpea's birthday and once for my disabled aunts 53 birthday a few days later)

Two- the number of books I've bought in the last two weeks on French cookery: two called “The Food of France”, but as Driving Miss Daisy says, they’re French; they don’t have to worry about originality!

Three – is how many years I have had the incredible joy, privilege and responsibility of my daughter life on this planet, which I celebrated on Wednesday 27th February

Five – the average number of hours of sleep I'm getting to enjoy on a regular basis, which isn’t enough by far, but is better than four

Seven – is (somewhat surprisingly) the number of years since I started my diary at Open Diary

Ten – days until I have to complete an assignment which I have barely started, don’t fully understand the question let alone the content and I have to work out how to upload via a Powerpoint presentation

Thirty-Five – the number of cupcakes I wish I had the room in my tummy to eat in one day

Thirty-Three – the number of minutes I got to talk to a friend whose husband has just gone on record in a very prominent newspaper and revealed private medical records about her leaving her feeling exposed, blind sided and betrayed

Thirty-Eight – the number of cupcakes I can get out of one batch of batter

Sixty- the number of photos that the Fisher-Price camera takes that I bought Sweetpea for her birthday present

100’s & 1000’s – the name of the colourful sprinkles that I put on the cupcakes for decoration

Infinity and Beyond – the joy I feel inside when I think about how much I love being Sweetpea's Mummah

1 comment:

Mrs. Shaimaa said...

Hi there,
My name is Shaimaa and I really like your blog. God bless you and your baby and I hope you would continue writing in it. I have a blog too and, by pure chance,it almost has the same name as yours.Mine is It would be great if we shared our experiences and know more about each other. Hope to read a new post soon ;)