Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I adore the way my daughters sense of humour is starting to reveal itself. This moment happened a few weeks ago, but with the insanity that is my mother’s health crisis right now, I really haven’t had a chance to write about it.

I was busy with loads of laundry and work that comes from being the general dogs body that I am in this household. Sweetpea started to eagerly tell me ‘peescor, peescor’. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, but there was no mistaking that walk. It was all too clear to me that she needed a nappy change.

“Do you need a nappy change Sweetpea?”

“Yeah! “ nodding her little head, she agreed immediately and raced off to our bedroom to grab a clean nappy and clamber up on the bed.

I opened the nappy and there it was in all its glory.

“Oh baby! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, what a mess... !”

“Peescor! Peescor!” she began to chorus again in a sweet singsong voice.

And then it all came back to me, with perfect clarity.

Flashback a few weeks when I was sitting in my Matriach’s family room with Sweetpea playing with her toys and my sharing too much information with The Matriach about how really full a particular bowel motion had been with Sweetpea.

“Matriach, I swear, you could see the peas and corn she ate for dinner last night.”

Peas and corn. That’s what my daughter was telling me so joyfully in the laundry to let me know it was full of merde!

I don’t mind telling you that I laughed myself silly as I realised her joke, clever thing that she is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, it just goes to show you a child asborbs everything, literally! Lucky she is to have a Mother like you to "get" the connection. In doing so she knows you understand her!